Date: 2010.09.08 (September 8, 2010)

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Tomorrow, is the start of school--my 7th in Taiwan. Originally, I had hoped to be back in Canada at this time but as Xiuman is expecting to deliver our fourth child in the next week or so, this has been delayed

I am quite excited about this year! My first class is on the first day. Taiwan Year 99 Month 9 Day 9 Hour 9 Minute 9 ! Let me tell you why I am excited.

@school: I am excited by opportunities that God has opened to plant the seed of the word of God. At the secular technical university where I work, the administration strongly encourages students to take a course or 2introducing the Bible. This semester 450 students have enrolled in 5 sections. (At this rate ~1/3 of all students will be exposed to the gospel before graduation). God has given me a chance to serve with other brothers and sisters in facilitating one section of ~65 students. In our neighbourhood, God has given me the priviledge of using CEF material in a small "Good News" Club on Tuesday evenings (6~10 children). The great thing about this is that I can disciple my children by example. You-en is particularily enthusiastic and Aien is a great help in translation.

@Church: I believe God has asked me to: "look and learn". So I am continuing to seek to learn. I am continually amazed at how God uses imperfect people and congregations in vastly different ways to forward his glorious gospel.

in Failure: I find it easy to see in the lives of others (especially my spouse!) how failure to follow God's guidence results is unnecessary hardships. Last year, I made two wrong decisions (not moral issues): in one only partially following God's leading and in the other acting without asking God what to do. These two decisions have given me much trouble, costing me a considerable amount of time for no benefit. Lesson: Be careful to enquire and follow God's leading.

@Heart: In Taiwan universities, young lecturers feel a strong pressure regarding their research performance. For my first years here, I felt no pressure--research was largely enjoyable and my focus was on Christ and ministry. But in the last year or so, I started to feel pressure the pressure to try to reach others expectations for research. In August, God released me from this pressure, directing me to work on 1 research theme and refocus on serving God. I am thankful for the provision of a new guide, Prof Yang, after the passing away of Prof Fann.

Future: In the past I expected to stay in Taiwan for 6 or 7 years. Now as I look towards going back to Canada for a season, I feel that God may have me return to Taiwan after the time of refreshment.

Prayer Requests

  1. University Teacher and Staff small group. Revival of this group, if the LORD wills.
  2. Return to Canada: January or June, length of time to stay, accomodation (I am thankful that my whole family is now positive about this! -- an answer to prayer)
  3. Wisdom in leading graduate students, sharing my faith, and helping to encourage brothers

PS added Sept 28, 2010: I am thankful for the safe arrival of Liang-En on September 18th 12:26 noon after 40 minutes of labor. She weighs 4276g and is 53.5cm long. Do pray for us as Sharon is tired, the other children have been sick and it seems I have had a kidney stone so also feel tired. Liang-En shortly after birth with mother and Ai,You,Li (Sept 18, 2010