After a conference please send me a single 7z file with the following information. Include the following information index.csv; the paper information (see example below) paper.doc; your submitted abstract paper.pdf; Published Abstract titlepage.pdf; Title page of conference procedings schedule.pdf; Page in which your paper is mentioned talk.ppt; your presentation (may be CDR if poster) -supporting files for figures both in talk and paper (i.e. Origin, CDR if not embedded) ----------- example---------- Name of File: ChenR12z.7z File index.csv contains... ChenR12z.7z;Ren Yu Chen, Jonathon David White*,Arnold C. M. Yang, "Photobleaching Behavior Of Dewetted MEH-PPV/PS Thin Films", Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference 2012 (OPTIC 2012), OA-SA-MD3-(4a)-3, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 6-8, 2012 (Oral Talk) NSC Grant xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx