The hour is come? Timing of God When I give message it often seems the message that I am giving is God speaking to me... I hope that you can listen in on what God is saying to me and it will also help you... Later in the message you will understand why this message -- planned months ago -- is suddenly so relevant for me. A THEORY (JESUS) 1. NOT YET Jn 2:1-4 --"my hour" net yet come: not for miracles (consciousness) Jn 7:30 -- "his hour" not for being the sacrifice (man cannot change the timing) even if he tries Jn 8:20 -- "his hour" gave confidence to speak as safe as man cannot change God's timing 2. IS COME Jn 12:23 -- the hour is come... Jn 13:1 -- Jesus knew Jn 17:1 -- no man can stop God working B BIBLICAL EXAMPLES 1. Joshua leadng across the Jordan: Joshua 3:16 - miracles - Newton's laws so simple - transcends Newton's laws - timing (no Law of Newton broken). - the water was stopped at just the right time. 2. Moses - felt ready/capable at 40 - God's call to leadership at 80 When the call came "Get your butt to Egypt and rescue my people" Moses: "I'm too old. My butt was in Egypt and I tried but failed... That was 40 years ago you should have helped me. Too late." But it wasn't. 3. Joseph -dreams as a young man -but a route via slavery and prison -years later he can look back and see God's timing, and how God used all these events. 4. David - annointed king, - enemy of Saul hunted for years like a rabbit before crowned - unwilling to hurry God when chance 5. Esther - made queen at opportune time - a chance conversation and King's insomina at perfect night C APPLICATION 1. Salvation - our own - others ACT: 1 man facing God 2 man turns back on God 3 at God's timing God touches his left shoulder with left hand (call) 4 man turns 180 degrees (repentance) 5 accepts the hug of the Father (faith) --- man will not turn unless called (predestination) --- God will not force the man to turn (free-will) 1.2 service - we may feel ready but we may not be as ready as we think. - SS in Malaysia - to Taiwan - to MOST project 2. unique - age, methods.. 3. warning: Don't delay when called. MUSIC: Fa-ther leads me by His grace, Tru-ly a lov-ing Fa-ther Cares for my weak-ness, Com-forts my sor-row, Pro-tecting, ne-ver leav-ing me God If one b'lieves,(2x) ev-ery-thing re-ceives God's blessing with joy and peace. God's promises are com-plete, In Je-sus all are ful-fil-led. Ask an' re-ceive, Seek an' find knock: the door's open -- not a mo-ment soon If one b'lieves,(2x) ev-ery-thing re-ceives God's bles-sing with joy and peace. PERSONAL SHARING - 1 time this semester preach - mother to palliative care - do what? cancel? PRAYER : - help me to trust in your timing - help me to rest in you - give me faith