Christmas Carol Service ----------------- Christmastime is here Happiness and cheer Fun for all that children call Their favorite time of year Snowflakes in the air Carols everywhere Olden times and ancient rhymes Of love and dreams to share Sleigh bells in the air Beauty everywhere Yuletide by the fireside And joyful memories there Christmastime is here Families drawing near Oh, that we could always see Such spirit through the year Sleigh bells in the air Beauty everywhere Yuletide by the fireside And joyful memories there Christmastime is here Families drawing near Oh, that we could always see Such spirit through the year ---------------------------- Come thou long expected Jesus 1 Come, Thou long - ex-pect-ed Je-sus, Born to set Thy peo-ple free; From our fears and sins re-lease us; Let us find our rest in Thee. Is-rael's Strength and Con-so-la-tion, Hope of all the earth Thou art; Dear De-sire of ev-'ry na-tion, Joy of ev-'ry long-ing heart. 1 请来,久渴望的耶稣, 降临为拯救万民; 除掉我众罪恶惊惶, 让我主内得安息. 以色列的安慰力量, 全人类的大盼望, 万邦万国虔诚期待, 饥渴心灵得欢畅. -------------------------------- 1 Lo, how a rose e'er bloo-ming from ten-der stem hath sprung! Of Jes-se's line-age com-ing, as men of old have sung. It came, a flower-et bri-ght, a-mid the cold of win-ter, When half spent was the night. 2 Isaiah 'twas fore-told it, the rose I have in mind; With Ma-ry we be-hold it, the vir-gin moth-er kind. To show God's love aright, she bore to men a Savior, When half spent was the night. 3 This flower, whose frag-rance tender with sweetness fills the air, Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere; True man, yet very God, from sin and death He saves us, And lightens every load. 4 O Savior, child of Mary, who felt our human woe, O Savior, King of glory, who dost our weakness know; Bring us at length we pray, to the bright courts of Heaven, And to the endless day! 1 看哪!如此开花的- 一朵-玫瑰花- 他血统来从耶西, 正如古人所唱. 他开了充满亮光, 在冬天的冷淡中, 在夜半的黑暗. 2 以赛亚曾预言它 这一朵玫瑰花 跟马利亚看见了 那处女的母亲. 为彰显神的爱, 她生了一位救主, 在夜半的黑暗. 3 这朵花它的香味 消除天气污染 消除-跟着亮光 全世界的黑暗, 真人和-真神, 从罪和死救我们, 让担子轻省的 4 救主,马利亚的孩, 认同我的痛苦 救主,荣耀的国王, 认同我的软弱 以后请带领我们 到天堂的圣殿-, 到永远的白天! -------------------------- Advent Wreath -------------- 1 Joy to the world! The Lord is come; Let earth re-ceive her King; Let ev-'ry heart pre-pare Him room, And heav'n and na-ture sing (2X), And heav'n and heav'n and na-ture sing. 1 普世欢腾!救主下降, 大地接她君王; 惟愿众心预备地方, 诸天万物歌唱,(2X) 诸天,诸天万物歌唱 --------------------------- 1 I won-der as I wan-der out un-der the sky How Je-sus the sa-vior, did come for to die For poor on-ry peo-ple like you and like I I won-der as I wan-der, out un-der the sky 1 当我漫步我思考 却无从解释 救主耶稣基督 竟降生受死 为救卑微人们 像你和像我 当我漫步我思考 却无从解释 ----------------- 1 圣夜清,圣夜静, 明星灿烂,天地宁; 水寂山眠,万籁无声, 卿云缭绕拥着伯利恒, 客店马槽诞生天婴. 2 圣夜清,圣夜静, 天使显现,牧人惊; 金琴玉筝,漫天歌韵, 哈利路亚!山海欲齐鸣, 传报佳音:救主降生! 3 圣夜清,圣夜静, 救主耶稣今降生; 博爱,牺牲,公义,和平 圣容赫华犹如日初升, 恩光辉耀,照彻乾坤! 阿们 1 Holy night, blessed night, Stars shine brightly, earth is still. Hills and valleys, field and woodlands, All surround the small town Bethlehem. In a manger Christ the Lord sleeps. 2 Holy night, blessed night, Angels sing praise, shepherds fear, Earth and heaven ring with praises, Alleluia all creation sings. Tell the good news: Christ is born now. 3 Holy night, blessed night, Christ has come down, dwells with us. Sacrifice, love, peace and justice Shine upon us like the morning sun. Grace and glory bless the whole world. ------------------------- 1 As with glad-ness men of old Did the guid-ing star be-hold; As with joy they hailed its light, Lead-ing on-ward, beam-ing bright, So, most gra-cious Lord, may we Ev-er-more be led to Thee. 1 博士满怀喜乐心, 仰望景星导前行, 欢呼迎接星光华, 灿烂辉煌照前程, 恳求慈悲仁爱主, 常领我见你面容. --------------------------- Merry Christmas With Love (Sandi Patty) She leaned her head on the window Watching evergreen bend in the snow Remembering Christmas the way it had been So many seasons ago When the children would reach for their stockings And open the presents they found The lights on the tree would shine bright in their eyes Reflecting the love all around But this year there's no one to open the gifts No reason for trimming the tree And just as a tear made its way to the floor She heard voices outside start to sing Merry Christmas to all who may dwell here Merry Christmas if even just one May the joy of the season surround you Merry Christmas with love The carolers sang as she opened the door Faces of friends in the crowd And all of the shadows of lonely reminders Were driven away by the sound Now the heart that for years had been silent Was suddenly filled with a song As she clung to their hands like a child in the night She found herself singing along Merry Christmas to all who may dwell here Merry Christmas if even just one May the joy of the season surround you Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to all who may dwell here Merry Christmas if even just one May the joy of the season surround you Merry Christmas with love Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light From now on your troubles will be out of sight Have yourself a merry little Christmas ------------------------ 1 Si-lent night, ho-ly night, All is calm, all is bright Round yon vir-gin mother and Child, Ho-ly In-fant so ten-der and mild, Sleep in heav-en-ly peace 1 平安夜,圣善夜, 万暗中,光华射, 照着圣母也照着圣婴, 多少慈祥也多少天真, 静享天赐安眠, 静享天赐安眠. ---------------- Benediction