4 The man and woman chose to listen to their Father’s mortal enemy. They desired to take over their Father’s position. They ate the fruit that their Father had specifically ordered them not to touch. In doing so…

  1. innocence was replaced by guilt. By taking the fruit, their action led to guilt. They were guilty before God. They were in rebellion.
  2. honor was replaced by shame. They had humiliated God by listening to their enemy. While previously they were naked but unconcerned. Now their nakedness, brought them shame. The love relationship with their Father and the honor received from it was gone. Their own relationship with each other was broken. The man no longer honouring his wife and the wife no longer honouring her husband. Not only were they guilty, they had become shameful beings.
  3. power was replaced fear. That evening when their Father came to the garden, they were filled with fear and hid in shame. No longer were the animals their friends. No longer was the earth a friendly place. No longer would their authority be unquestioned on the earth.

Thus the dreadful disease called sin was manifested in three symptoms: guilt, shame and fear. Satan had triumphed and corrupted not only God’s creation but also God’s family.